It’s a long story but remember how it started? Semi-evolved homo-sapiens looking out for food, finding shelter, winning the race of survival? Striving and spending a whole lifetime to meet the bare necessities? Staying happy, primal and close to the realities of life?
Soon these basic stuff started getting sorted by a smarter lot and life became easier for the general junta. People adapted to these easy methods and started investing their precious time in something else – bigger problems – like, how to make their tribes more powerful, how to walk on sea, how to catch a fish without getting wet, etc. And then came more time, more science, more technology – how can I cook meat without fire, how can I fly, how can I talk to someone who is 5000kms away?
With every advancement in the society, life became tougher for the common lot. They could no longer idle away their time sitting by the lake during the day, go out looking for food by evening and sleep by night. Damn these smarter lot. People now had to give in to societal systems and compete with everyone else to get their food – barter their properties, earn coins, basically do something for their living. To afford clothes, food and a shelter. Soon caste systems were created to make it more organisational and people started getting defined by their occupation. Their “job”, their “career” became non-detachable from their identity.
With time, these basic necessities kept ballooning into something bigger and monstrous. The shelter had soon become a penthouse in NYC, clothes became what Kylie Jenner wore and food was never more expensive. Keeping up with this evolution is tough. As you can imagine, in a society where the concept of “basic” exists no more but only as a brand proposition for a Denim label, the effort you need to fit into is lot higher. You need to be ‘special’. Or ‘gifted’. Or ‘hard-working’. Or ‘passionate’. Or something which removes you from the general section and throws you into a quota of ‘deserving’ people. There’s so much proving to do. So much to show and tell. So much to fight for. So much to run towards. So much “career” to make.
“No, you are way too good for this city. Don’t settle here! You can do more! I know you can.”
What exactly is this “career”, if I may ask you?
Is it a validation of my “I am important, after all” sentiment?
Is it an intangible proof of my extraordinary manipulative skills?
Or just an excuse to shirk off all the real things in life and shut ourselves out from the things we love and value the most?
Since when did this “career” stop us from staying close to what we want, we love, we want to do. Why do we have to choose Singapore over family and be sad about it? Why feel helpless? Everybody misses home, loves their own city. Sulking or being whiny for some while is more than acceptable. Even if it’s for a month or two.
But, never should you ever feel compelled to stick to your “career” because “hey, you were quite bright in school; I totally thought you’re going to be more than this”. No, you don’t have to force yourself away from things you want and hold dear. Life’s way too short and unpredictable to entertain things that don’t make you gloat with excitement and bliss (zero references to alcohol or pot).
Nobody gives a shit about your happiness. Just the folks back at home. Do what you love to do and do what you must. No pressure.
It’s your life, your entries, your exits. Everything is a choice. No matter what, you can stop and begin whenever you want to. All you need to do is hit the ‘MANUAL’ mode on.
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