A Jodhpur court has sentenced Bollywood superstar Salman Khan to five-year jail term in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case, while other actors — Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam Kothari — have been acquitted. The Bishnoi Sabha, a community committed to protect the blackbucks, has decided to appeal against other acquittals. Salman Khan was accused of killing two blackbucks in Bhagoda ki Dhani in Kankani village near Jodhpur on the intervening night of October 1-2, 1998, during the shooting of Hum Saath Saath Hain. He has been convicted under Section 51 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, which carries maximum punishment of six years and minimum one-year jail term.
Stay tuned as Kriti Tulsiani brings you live updates:
14:10 (IST)
Salman Khan has been sentenced to 5-year jail term in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case while other co-accused actors Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu and Neelam Kothari have been acquitted. A fine of Rs 10,000 has also been levied on the actor. Salman will have to appeal in the Rajasthan High Court against his conviction.
14:07 (IST)
The court proceedings resume after lunch break and Chief Judicial Magistrate Dev Kumar Khatri will pronounce the quantum of punishment shortly.
13:55 (IST)
While Salman Khan's conviction comes as a big blow to Bollywood, trade analyst Komal Nahta says that there is not much involvement of money in Salman’s Dabangg 3, Kick 2 and Bharat as they all are in pre-production stage and the team has only announced those projects, but Race 3 will face the consequences if the actor is sentenced to a jail time of more than three years. “There’s not much involvement of money whether it’s 'Bharat' or 'Dabangg 3' or 'Kick 2'. The only film where money has been invested is 'Race 3' and that shouldn’t be a problem unless he is convicted for more than three years, because if that happens, then he will not even be getting bail and the film will get stuck," he told News18.com.
13:47 (IST)
Here's how Salman Khan would have live-tweeted the court proceedings in the parallel world.
Read: 11 Salman Khan Tweets That You Cannot Ignore After His Blackbuck Poaching Conviction
13:33 (IST)
Here's what trade analyst Komal Nahta have to say about the big 'bucks' riding on Salman Khan's shoulders.
Read: Race 3 Will Be Stuck If Salman Khan is Jailed for Over 3 Years, Says Trade Analyst Komal Nahta
13:21 (IST)
Also read: Meet Bishnois, the Nature-Loving 'Vishnu Bhakts' Who Took On Salman Khan
13:05 (IST)
News agency ANI has quoted Rampal Bhawad, the State President of Bishnoi Tigers Vanya Evam Paryavaran Sanstha, as saying that an immediate appeal will be filed over the acquittals of Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu and Neelam Kothari. "We'll analyse the judgment. We want an immediate appeal to be filed against those who have been acquitted and we also demand maximum punishment for Salman Khan," he said.
13:00 (IST)
Samir Soni, whose wife Neelam Kothari was one of the co-accused in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case, expressed his relief over his wife's acquittal and disappointment over Salman's conviction. "I am happy for Neelam but I am disappointed for Salman Khan..I dont know why he is being singled out" adding that Salman has paid the price for being a star.
#SalmanConvicted -- I am happy for Neelam. But I am disappointed for Salman Khan. I don't know why he is being singled out. I think he is paying the price for being a star: Sameer Soni, Neelam Kothari's husband to CNN-News18 #BlackBuckPoachingCase LIVE: https://t.co/IKWJV6lU6ypic.twitter.com/sW9AnvAdIz
— News18 (@CNNnews18) April 5, 2018
12:55 (IST)
A satirical take on Salman Khan's conviction in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case. (Mir Suhail/Network18)
12:50 (IST)
While Salman Khan has been convicted in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case, the quantum of punishment has not been pronounced yet. Public prosecutor Bhawani Singh has clarified that the court has reserved the order. "Conviction has been done but the quantum of punishment has not been pronounced yet. Court has reserved the order, maximum punishment of 6 years demanded," he told CNN News18.
#BREAKING#BlackBuckPoachingCase: Conviction has been done but the quantum of punishment has not been pronounced yet. Court has reserved the order, maximum punishment of 6 years demanded: Prosecution lawyer | @saahilmenghani with details#SalmanConvicted: https://t.co/CihfNMyf8upic.twitter.com/EOzfwiYvYX
— News18 (@CNNnews18) April 5, 2018
12:42 (IST)
In case you have missed out, a Jodhpur court on Thursday convicted Bollywood actor Salman Khan for killing two blackbuck in October 1998 but acquitted his colleagues Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Neelam and Sonali Bendre, a prosecution lawyer said. A fifth person, Dushyant Singh, a local from the area, has also been acquitted, Mahipal Bishnoi, the prosecution counsel, told reporters. Salman was found guilty of killing the blackbuck, from the antelope family, in Kankani village near Jodhpur on the night of October 1, 1998 during the shooting of the film Hum Saath Saath Hain. While the media waited outside the heavily guarded court premises, arguments for the quantum of sentencing were continuing inside the courtroom, lawyers said. Salman, who has been held guilty under Section 9/51 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, faces a maximum punishment of six years behind bars. The other actors, some of them accompanied by their family members, were also in the courtroom when the verdict was read out.
12:32 (IST)
Salman Khan has been convicted in the 1998 blackbucks poaching case while other co-accused actors have been acquitted. The quantum of punishment will be pronounced shortly.
12:28 (IST)
Also read: Salman Khan Convicted in Blackbuck Poaching Case, Twitterati Have the Last Laugh
12:22 (IST)
The other co-accused actors Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu and Neelam Kothari have left the court post their acquittal in the 1998 blackbucks poaching case wherein they were accused of abetting the crime.
12:16 (IST)
For the uninitiated, Section 9 of Wildlife Protection Act pertains to prohibition of hunting and Section 51 of the act lists penalties for the same. The quantum of punishment lies between between 3-7 years if the species is protected under Schedule 1 of the act and blackbucks are among the endangered animals listed in the Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972.
12:12 (IST)
The argument over Salman Khan's quantum of punishment in the 1998 blackbuck is complete and the Chief Judicial Magistrate Dev Kumar Khatri has now stepped out of his chamber.
12:08 (IST)
Congress leader Rajiv Shukla has said that Salman Khan will now have to abide by the ruling of the court while senior advocate Ram Jethmalani further went on to say that the actor "probably deserves" it.
12:01 (IST)
Bishnoi Sabha, which had filed the blackbuck poaching case, has now decided to appeal against the acquittal of the four co-accused in the case. Salman Khan has been convicted while others- Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu and Neelam Kothari- have all been acquitted of all charges. Bishnois, a traditional community, is committed to protect the endangered animal and remains vigilant against poachers in the area.
11:57 (IST)
NS Solanki, the advocate of co-accused Dushyant Singh, has been quoted as saying that Salman Khan was cool and calm when the verdict was announced. While the other actors Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu and Neelam Kothari, felt happy for their acquittal in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case.
#BREAKING -- #BlackBuckPoachingCase: #SalmanKhan was cool and calm when the verdict was announced: Co-accused Dushyant Singh's advocate to CNN-News18's @Zebaism #SalmanConvicted LIVE UPDATES: https://t.co/s7Zq16p46Cpic.twitter.com/0sjsfYaeQ0
— News18 (@CNNnews18) April 5, 2018
11:45 (IST)
News Agency ANI quotes NS Solanki, the lawyer of co-accused Dushyant Singh, as saying that the argument over the quantum of punishment is still underway and that Salman's lawyers are asking for probation. "Argument on quantum of punishment is on. Salman Khan's counsels are praying for probation," he has said.
11:40 (IST)
Section 51 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act carries maximum punishment of six years and minimum one-year jail term. The prosecution has demanded maximum punishment for Salman Khan. The actor will be taken to Jodhpur Central Jail, which currently houses three high-profile inmates — Asaram Bapu, Malkhan Singh Vishnoi and Shambhu Lal. The latter two are accused in the Bawri Devi case and the Rajasthan hacking case, respectively.
11:35 (IST)
Salman Khan's councel HM Saraswat is arguing over the quantum of punishment yet to be pronounced. Saraswat is asking for an early probation on the grounds that no other case is now pending against the actor.
11:32 (IST)
Salman Khan has been convicted under Section 9 and Section 51 of Wildlife Protection Act. The quantum of punishment will be pronounced shortly.
11:28 (IST) Salman Khan has been convicted in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case by Chief Judicial Magistrate Dev Kumar Khatri. Other accused actors Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu and Neelam Kothari, however, have been acquitted in the 20-year-old case. The quantum of punishment will be announced shortly.
11:19 (IST)
Also read: Once Upon a Crime: All You Need to Know About the 20-year-old Blackbuck Poaching Case
11:17 (IST)
The hearing in 1998 blackbuck poaching case has begun. The verdict by the Chief Judicial Magistrate Dev Kumar Khatri will be delivered shortly. All accused actors Salman Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam Kothari are sitting in the court room along with their counsels.
11:07 (IST)
All accused actors including Salman Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam Kothari have arrived at the Jodhpur court. The verdict of the 1998 blackbuck poaching case will be pronounced shortly.
11:06 (IST)
Salman Khan has finally arrived with his body guard Shera at the Jodhpur court for the hearing. The hearing is expected to begin shortly.
10:58 (IST)
Salman Khan's sisters Arpita Khan Sharma and Alvira Agnihotri have arrived while the actor and his co-actors Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu and Neelam Kothari are yet to come. Meanwhile, Salman's lawyer HM Saraswat and Chief Judicial Magistrate Dev Kumar Khatri have also arrived.
10:45 (IST)
If convicted today, Salman Khan and others will be taken to Jodhpur Central Jail, which currently houses three high-profile inmates — Asaram Bapu, Malkhan Singh Vishnoi and Shambhu Lal. The latter two are accused in the Bawri Devi case and the Rajasthan hacking case, respectively.
10:36 (IST)
In an interaction with CNN News18, Remo D'Souza, who is directing Salman Khan's upcoming film Race 3, said that the entire cast and crew is looking forward to the closure of this 20-year-old case with a favourable verdict. "Salman never talks about the case while shooting for his films. Same was the case during Abu Dhabi schedule of Race 3 after which the actor left for the verdict. The unit and everyone associated to his big Eid release are hoping for a closure to this long stretched case with a favourable verdict," he said.
10:19 (IST)
Public Prosecutor Bhawani Singh has been quoted as saying that they will wait for the court's order before commenting. "We shall wait for the court's order. It will be inappropriate for me to say anything now," he says. While Salman Khan is facing charges under Section 51 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, the other actors have been charged under Section 51 read with Section 149 (unlawful assembly) of the Indian Penal Code. Maximum punishment under Section 51 is six years. All of them were in a Gypsy car that night, with Salman Khan in the driving seat. He, on spotting a herd of black bucks, shot at and killed two of them, Singh had said earlier. "But on being spotted and chased, they fled from the spot leaving the dead animals there," he said, adding that there was adequate evidence against them.
10:04 (IST)
Salman Khan's counsel HM Saraswat has arrived at Jodhpur court while Salman is expected to arrive at 11 am. He had earlier denied the allegations and said there were several loopholes in the prosecution's story and it had failed to prove its case beyond any doubt. "Prosecution has failed to prove the allegations. It engaged in tampering and fabricating evidence and documents as well as roping in fake witnesses to prove its case. It even failed to prove that the black bucks were killed by gunshots. Hence, such investigation cannot be trusted," Saraswat had said. The hearing is expected to begin at 11:15 am.
09:59 (IST)
Apart from his legal cases, Salman Khan has a host of controversies under his belt. His controversial relationships including the one with Aishwarya Rai, have fuelled his bad boy image. Aishwarya had reportedly accused Salman of physically abusing her in 2002 and a police complaint was filed against the actor. A year later, Salman had a face-off with Aishwarya's then boyfriend Vivek Oberoi. Salman also had a massive ego battle with his then best friend Shah Rukh Khan until a public reunion in 2013. The actor has also come under fire for his brash statements on several occasions.
Be it #BlackBuckPoachingCase or #HitAndRunCase. Salman has always found a way to be in the news for all the wrong reasons, but despite these obstacles, he continues to be one of the most successful actors in Bollywood & his career has gone from strength to strength #SalmanVerdictpic.twitter.com/mksz9ARY1G
— News18 (@CNNnews18) April 5, 2018
09:40 (IST)
Also read: Controversy's Favourite Child-Salman Khan's Brushes With the Law
09:33 (IST)
The Chief Judicial Magistrate Dev Kumar Khatri has arrived in court to pronounce the verdict of the 1998 poaching case in which Salman Khan is accused of killing two blackbucks and his co-actors Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu and Neelam Kothari of abetting the crime. The final arguments of the case were completed in the trial court on March 28, after which Chief Judicial Magistrate had reserved the judgment for April 5.
09:29 (IST) So far, Salman Khan has spent 18 days in the Jodhpur Jail. He was arrested by the Forest Department on October 12, 1998 and court had imprisoned him till October 17. When the trial court had pronounced a five year imprisonment on April 10, 2006, Khan spent six days in jail. When the Sessions Court confirmed the sentence in Ghoda Farm case, Khan remained in jail from August 26 to 31, 2007.
09:23 (IST)
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