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Monday, July 30, 2018

Will CM punk Ever be returning to WWE in Near future after his 2nd loss In UFC

CM Punk, sure!

He left but he never came back. He went everywhere, UFC, TV Shows, Reality Shows but never came to WWE again. We loved him but now we miss him. He was best in the world but now he is no more with our world. Everytime, everyone thinks can he be back for atleast one time, one last! When will he return is the question but before it will he even return?

CM Punk latest controversy with WWE.

CM Punk is all set and done to sue WWE. Once CM Punk was injured, he wasn't in condition to compete but WWE needed him so what WWE did is they lied to CM Punk saying it is a minor Injury. But when CM Punk recently when for a medical check up he realized WWE lied him in his past. CM Punk said he will sue WWE for playing with his life while WWE said that they will bare all cost of CM Punks treatment while WWE only paid few. The amount about $240K is still pending. It is not like CM Punk can't bare it but he will never pay for something that he never wanted specially with WWE. WWE might convince CM Punk to return in this term, clever idea. However CM Punk might not be able to make his mind to work with a company like WWE who did such things with him.

Samoa Joe on CM Punk return.

Samoa Joe recently talked about CM Punk return. It wasn't revealing but since lot of guys internet like to talk about it, will include this one too so that no one will go out without knowing what's going on actually on internet about WWE and CM Punk!

“You never know with Punk. He is definitely somebody who does things his own way and I think the biggest thing is that you can never count out what his next move will be. I think no one would have predicted his move to UFC, nobody would have predicted a lot of things he does, so whatever he chooses to do, he will do what feels best in the moment.” Samoa Joe.

CM Punk — what does he really thinks?

He is trending all over internet, WWE Superstars are talking about him, people always ask about him and his return with all that what does CM Punk really has in it's mind? It is no unknown that CM Punk was offered $1M by a wrestling promotion while CM Punk didn't accepted by saying he is currently signed with UFC and they won't let him go, he never mentioned that he isn't willing working in pro wrestling again so may be somewhere deep down in CM Punks mind he can keep his past aside and come back to WWE again.

Moreover the future of WWE cooperate is either Triple H or Shane McMahon, if it goes with Triple H than it's more tougher! He might come near but notice the might.

With all that now we can figure out ‘will he’ but ‘when’ is still unknown.

C M Punk is considered as one of the biggest all-round performer in the WWE be it wrestling skills , merchandises or on-mic abilities.He has always proved the world why he is the best in the world .But to be honest WWE and Vince Mcmahon screwed this guy . There have been cases where Punk was seen disapproving the decisions made by the company which resulted in him moving out of the company.

Here are the reasons why Punk won’t return to the pro wrestling arena ever.

Punk’s and Stephanie Mcmahon’s genuine hatred for each other won’t let him think of a WWE return even in his dreams .

Vince Mcmahon screwed the caliber Punk had by not giving him a wrestling main event title shot which Punk certainly deserved.

Punk revealing secrets about the company and dropping pipe-bombs disgusted the company which led to him being screwed up .

CM punk gave several interviews after leaving WWE where he bragged that he was never ever going to return to WWE .

Check a small clip of his interview here-

Whether Punk returns to WWE or not OR whether he continues his MMA career in UFC , for me he would always be the best in the world .Punk is straight edge , he the kind of guy who shits you on the face and that’s what makes him superior to any other wrestler in the company.

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